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Seize03 - 05 June 2023

SEIZE03 honored at the SQPRP’s Gala des Prix d’excellence

In its first appearance at the Gala des Prix d’excellence de la Société québécoise des professionnel(le)s en relations publiques (SQPRP), SEIZE03 was particularly impressive, winning two awards for its project to announce the connection of the Kitcisakik community to Hydro-Québec’s power grid, including the “Coup de cœur Excellence Tactique”, awarded from among all the nominees.

“We are very proud to receive this recognition from our industry peers. In addition to highlighting the excellence of our work, these awards recognize the significant role that public relations firms like ours can play in society. We share them with the community of Kitcisakik, with whom we are honoured to collaborate. SEIZE03 will continue to invest in a better future for Indigenous communities, and in the establishment of harmonious relations with the organizations that work alongside them,” declared SEIZE03 president Éric Cardinal.

The community of Kitcisakik was one of the last Indigenous communities in Canada, and the last in Quebec, still not served by a power grid. In May 2022, SEIZE03 was asked to organize a press conference involving Hydro-Québec, the Quebec government, the Canadian government and the Anicinapek Council of Kitcisakik to announce the electrical connection of the village, located at the Dozois site. This announcement left its mark on the history of the community, as well as on the imaginations of many journalists who had the opportunity to visit the community’s facilities, forced to live in aberrant conditions until 2022.

“SEIZE03 is a strategic partner with whom we have developed a relationship of trust over the years. Its professionals stand out for their keen understanding of Indigenous issues, making them allies for all those working towards reconciliation. SQPRP’s recognition of SEIZE03’s work in connecting Kitcisakik to the power grid is a tribute to our entire community. The Anicinapek Council of Kitcisakik would like to congratulate the SEIZE03 team on these well-deserved honours,” commented Chief Régis Penosway.

The exceptional quality of SEIZE03’s work and the project’s impact on the Anicinape community of Kitcisakik made it stand out from the rest, and impressed the jury, who awarded it the “Coup de cœur” award, in addition to the silver prize in its category.

“Our first thanks go to Chief Penosway and the Anicinapek Council of Kitcisakik, who have honoured us with their trust. We would also like to thank Hydro-Québec, especially Julie Boucher, Vice-President, and her team at Développement durable, relations avec les communautés et communications, for their exceptional collaboration. Finally, we would like to thank the SQPRP and the members of the jury for this fine mark of recognition, which motivates us to continue to invest in the field of public relations,” said Éric Duguay, vice-president of SEIZE03 and director of the community connection announcement project.

SEIZE03 wishes to continue to help the company evolve in line with its guiding values: ethics, excellence and social justice.